Titu Technical Centre

2010 | Dambovita, ROMANIA

Conarg Group provided the following services in order for the project to develop flawlessly through the entire operation:


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Titu Technical Centre


Inaugurated on September 15, 2010, Titu Technical Centre is the missing link that completes Renault’s development chain in Romania. Moreover, the facility is the only automotive testing centre in Eastern Europe and the complement of Aubevoye and Lardy centres in France.

The site was inaugurated on September 18, 2008. Construction of the center was conducted by Conarg AG, with about 500 Romanian workers. During the nearly 950,000 hours of work, there has been no work accident.

Located on a 350 ha area, Titu Technical Centre offers to RTR’s engineers the newest technologies and the necessary means for testing vehicles and components throughout various stages of the projects. The testing means are built by worldwide Renault standards, because the tests carried out here need to be comparable to tests done in any other testing centre of the automaker. 


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